Reviews, Thoughts

Unboxing Mermaidcrate’s January “Enchanted” Box

Hi everyone! If you've been following me here on the blog and anywhere else on social media, you'd probably know how long I've been playing around the thought of making a vlog or Youtube channel. I'm so happy to say that I finally had the guts (and time!) to do one! In this first vlog/episode,… Continue reading Unboxing Mermaidcrate’s January “Enchanted” Box


Hiatus Shmiatus: The ThirdWorldBookNerd Story Thus Far

Hi everyone! I am back after a bajillion years! Things have run tight and hectic the past few months--- wait, why do I end up saying that all the time? I've been juggling so many things that the only solution to it was to take a break from here. The constant writing and juggling also… Continue reading Hiatus Shmiatus: The ThirdWorldBookNerd Story Thus Far